A passionate and curious individual with a BS degree in Physics from UCLA currently working as a Full-Stack Software Engineer at Aerobotics7 to remove landmines from around the world. I have experiences with Python, Django, Node.js, React.js, Figma/Lucid Charts and other platforms and tools to facilitate on creating and solving real-world problems for the users to enjoy, and the companies to succeed their vision
At Aerobotics7, I spearheaded the creation of software architectures for controlling drones and efficiently storing landmine detection data at a high-speed receiver rate. Managing the full technology stack, including DevOps, SQL databases, and security protocols, I successfully ensured real-time communication and authentication between the drone and users. Additionally, I presented our hardware and software technology at the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (held in Switzerland once a year) to showcase our capabilities to government officials, scientists, and engineers.
Previously at Listing Alert, I helped to develop the mobile app with bare React Native (non-Expo) along with developing our own API with Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB and AWS S3 to be used for the real estate agents to get notifications on property listings from potential buyers. Additionally, the team and I developed a web dashboard with React.js for companies to create agents, offices, and other tasks for their needs. In all of the development process, we used Apollo GraphQL. Over 1600 agents across the country from RE/MAX to Century 21 Black Bear Realty use Listing Alert.
In addition, I worked on React for about two and a half years, and before that I worked on vanilla JavaScript for three years. I also worked on Django, Python, Node, Express, MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL for three to four years. Over the course of these years, I learned how to make better and reusable code that is readable along with clean file structure which follows best practices.
As an avid learner, I was a self-taught programmer many years ago, and being self-taught was difficult and created imposter syndrome within myself. I always felt like I was not good enough and needed to know more about the magic of coding. Overtime, I have learned to have self-confidence in my abilities, asking for guidance, and knowing when to just get up and take a walk.
I believe that anyone can become a programmer no matter what background they come from. I believe that if you have tenacity, perseverance, and tolerance within yourself then you can understand the complexities of programming.
I also believe in having good communication, understanding, and patience with others to develop healthy relationships. When these three pillars are achieved, then achieving three more are possible: Better user experience, painless documentation for developers to read, and accomplishing a feat together within the team.
I enjoy reading as many books as I can. I am currently reading George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones series (currently at the fourth book đ), War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy đŽ, Michael Mann's Heat 2 (the author is the actual famous film director), and Basic Writings of Nietzsche translated and edited by Walter Kaufmann. My favorite book is Dune by Frank Herbert.
I also enjoy watching films and television with Children of Men by Alfonso Cuarón being my favorite movie of all time, and my favorite TV show is a tie between Breaking Bad and Attack on Titan.
A few minor things about me is that I like to be active by going to the gym, running, and hiking with rock climbing as my next goal. I love videogames with Half-Life 2 being my all-time favorite. From time-to-time, I continue to learn physics and how to apply them computationally. Lastly, I enjoy helping others whether it is community service or teaching.
If you want to connect with me for coffee, collaboration, or anything else, then hit me up on Twitter or email (gutierrezelias1991@gmail.com).
This site was created with Next.js, TypeScript, Redux Toolkit, Styled-Components, and Framer for the Frontend being hosted in Netlify. It was also created with Django, Wagtail CMS, and Django REST Framework for the Backend being hosted in PythonAnywhere. The images for the work and articles are stored in AWS S3.